Corporate Social Responsibility

NGF, corporate social responsibility and the environment
NGF will establish all necessary procedures to ensure that every effort is made to respect, care for and protect the environment during its normal business operation. The Company will require all employees, contractors, suppliers and any personnel involved on company premises to carry out their activities in accordance with this policy.
To establish this Policy NGF will:
- Assess the environmental sensitivity of processes used for their impact on the local, regional and global environments, and address major aspects within the continuous improvement projects.
- Comply with all applicable environmental legislation.
- Ensure that it manages energy and water wisely throughout its operations.
- Reduce or limit generation of waste in a responsible manner, reusing and recycling materials where economically possible to minimise the need for disposal.
- Make efforts to minimise discharges and emissions which can affect the environment using the best available technology which is economically viable for the business.
- Operate in a planned and responsible manner, to prevent pollution through spills and accidental discharges, but maintaining emergency plans to combat any such instances.
- Maintain its performance in all matters affecting the environment, producing annual performance reports which will be reviewed and used as the basis for continual improvement.
- Work with all personnel involved with the company business operation, to communicate and promote awareness of these important environmental issues.
The Environmental Policy will be implemented by means of an Environmental Management Plan, using the Environmental Procedures developed for its implementation. This Plan will identify the organisation, responsibility and all necessary arrangements needed to attain the aims of this Policy, and will make adequate provision to ensure all employees are trained and resourced to be able to fulfil their responsibility.
The Policy will be displayed on the premises, and will be made available on request.