Alistair Poole has been appointed to the position of Head of Functional Products Division, part of the NSG Technical Glass Strategic Business Unit (TGSBU), with effect from 1 November.
The FP division, headquartered in Japan, which comprises the Glass Cord , Glass Flake and Metashine businesses, will greatly benefit from his vast experience. Under Alistair’s leadership the NSG board is confident of continued growth and, through strong partner collaboration, the delivery of market-leading products and services.
From Alistair Poole
Head of Functional Products Division, Technical Glass SBU, NSG Group
It gives me great pleasure to inform you that David Farmer has been appointed to the position of Managing Director, NGF Europe Limited. David joined the company in 1988 and was appointed to the Board of NGF Europe Limited in 2003, in his capacity as Financial Director. He has vast knowledge and experience of the business, working closely with myself and his fellow board and executive members, having an integral role in bringing the company to its current world leader status in the development, manufacture and sales of glass cord, glass flake and Metashine.
Coinciding with David’s appointment, I have taken the opportunity to review the existing organisation at NGF Europe which has resulted in the development of a new executive board structure comprising:
Alistair Poole – Chairman NGF Europe and Head of Functional Products Division, Technical Glass SBU, NSG Group
Mitsuharu Akiyama – Deputy Head of Functional Products and Director of SNSG
David Farmer – Managing Director NGF Europe
Lee Farnworth – Operations Director NGF Europe and President of NGF Canada
Colin Hamand – Commercial Director NGF Europe
Chris Stevens – Technical Director NGF Europe
This team has many years’ experience in the business and has been put together to provide the best value and service to stakeholders, customers and suppliers alike.
You can be confident of our continued collaboration, as we strive to grow our business to deliver value-added, market-leading products and services in line with your needs and expectations.

Left to right: Chris Stevens; David Farmer; Colin Hamand and Lee Farnworth.